All newborn babies are now screened for this condition. Problems with thyroid hormone levels can be diagnosed with a simple blood test. Underactivity is treated by taking thyroxine tablets - a form of hormone replacement. Overactivity is treated with drugs that slow the activity of the thyroid gland.
If these do not work, part or all of the thyroid can be removed surgically, or some or all of the active thyroid cells can be killed with radioactive iodine. Nodules and cancers are diagnosed with a variety of different tests, including ultrasound, special x-rays and fine needle biopsies. Hot nodules will generally be removed surgically or destroyed with radioactive iodine. Cold nodules are frequently left alone and simply kept under observation.
Cancer is treated by surgically removing the thyroid gland, followed by treatment with radioactive iodine to destroy any cells which may have spread. This page has been produced in consultation with and approved by:.
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The State of Victoria and the Department of Health shall not bear any liability for reliance by any user on the materials contained on this website. Skip to main content. Hormonal system endocrine. Home Hormonal system endocrine. Thyroid gland. Actions for this page Listen Print. Taking in a lot of radioactive iodine is a sign that your thyroid is overactive.
Treatments for hyperthyroidism destroy the thyroid gland or block it from producing its hormones. If you have radioactive iodine treatment or surgery that destroys your thyroid gland, you will develop hypothyroidism and need to take thyroid hormone daily.
Hypothyroidism is the opposite of hyperthyroidism. In the United States, it affects around 4. Most cases of hypothyroidism are mild. Your doctor will perform blood tests to measure your TSH and thyroid hormone levels. A high TSH level and low thyroxine level could mean that your thyroid is underactive.
These levels could also indicate that your pituitary gland is releasing more TSH to try to stimulate the thyroid gland to make its hormone. The main treatment for hypothyroidism is to take thyroid hormone pills. The disease can remain stable for years, and symptoms are often subtle. Symptoms include:. Testing the level of TSH is often the first step when screening for any type of thyroid disorder.
Hormone-replacing medication is often used to raise thyroid hormone levels or lower TSH levels. It can also help relieve the symptoms of the disease.
The disease is usually detected at an early stage and remains stable for years because it progresses slowly. This can cause the gland to overproduce the hormone responsible for regulating metabolism. Other risk factors include stress, pregnancy, and smoking.
These include:. A simple physical exam can reveal an enlarged thyroid, enlarged bulging eyes, and signs of increased metabolism, including rapid pulse and high blood pressure. A radioactive iodine uptake test might also be administered to measure how quickly your thyroid takes up iodine. Successful hyperthyroidism treatment usually results in hypothyroidism. Goiter is a noncancerous enlargement of the thyroid gland.
The most common cause of goiter worldwide is iodine deficiency in the diet. Researchers estimate that goiter affects million of the million people who are iodine-deficient worldwide. Conversely, goiter is often caused by — and a symptom of — hyperthyroidism in the United States, where iodized salt provides plenty of iodine.
Goiter can affect anyone at any age, especially in areas of the world where foods rich in iodine are in short supply. However, goiters are more common after the age of 40 and in women, who are more likely to have thyroid disorders.
Excessive iodine is found in a number of drugs such as Amiodarone, Lugol's solution iodine and some cough syrups. This might cause the thyroid to produce either too much or too little hormone in some individuals. The before mentioned problems affect the production of thyroid hormone either too much or too little.
However, problems concerning the thyroid gland can be very distinct. Swelling and lumps can occur within the thyroid gland. Such nodules can be harmless, but some can cause the production of hormones or even be cancerous.
In some cases, such as cancer, the thyroid is removed. You can live without your thyroid, but you need to take medicine daily to substitute the hormones produced by your thyroid gland.
Iodine is most essential to maintain a healthy thyroid. Nonetheless, the daily and constant supply of this micronutrient is important. Too much iodine at once is counter-productive and causes your thyroid to produce less hormones.
The best way to get your daily dose of iodine is through eating healthy foods like seafood and dairy products. In addition, iodized salt is a good source and you can use it to season your food. Nowadays, iodine is added to salt to combat goitres caused by hypothyroidism. About Contact Events News. Search Search. You and Your Hormones. Students Teachers Patients Browse. When doctors measure the levels of thyroid hormones T4 and T3 in the blood, they usually measure both the bound and free forms of each hormone total T4 and total T3.
However, if the level of thyroxine-binding globulin is abnormal, the total thyroid hormone levels can be misinterpreted, so doctors sometimes measure only the level of free hormones in the blood. The level of thyroxine-binding globulin is lower in people who have kidney disease or diseases that reduce the amount of protein made by the liver or who take anabolic steroids. The level is higher in women who are pregnant or taking oral contraceptives or other forms of estrogen and in people in the early stages of hepatitis Overview of Acute Viral Hepatitis Acute viral hepatitis is inflammation of the liver caused by infection with one of the five hepatitis viruses.
In most people, the inflammation begins suddenly and lasts only a few weeks. If a doctor feels one or more growths nodules in the thyroid gland, a scanning procedure may be done. Ultrasonography uses sound waves to measure the size of the gland and to determine whether the growth is solid or filled with fluid cystic. In another test called a radioactive iodine uptake test—a type of radionuclide scan Radionuclide Scanning In radionuclide scanning, radionuclides are used to produce images.
A radionuclide is a radioactive form of an element, which means it is an unstable atom that becomes more stable by releasing The radioactive material concentrates in the thyroid gland, and a device gamma camera does another type of scan that detects the radiation and produces a picture of the thyroid gland that shows any physical abnormalities.
Because the thyroid gland takes up radioactive iodine depending on how well it is working, thyroid scanning can also help determine whether the functioning of a specific area of the thyroid is normal, overactive, or underactive compared with the rest of the gland. If doctors suspect an autoimmune disorder Autoimmune Disorders An autoimmune disorder is a malfunction of the body's immune system that causes the body to attack its own tissues.
What triggers autoimmune disorders is not known. Symptoms vary depending on If cancer of the thyroid gland Thyroid Cancer The cause of thyroid cancer is not known, but the thyroid gland is very sensitive to radiation, which may cause cancerous changes. Thyroid cancer is more common among people who were treated Doctors usually use ultrasonography to identify the site to biopsy.
When medullary thyroid cancer is suspected, blood levels of calcitonin are measured, because these cancers always secrete calcitonin. The thyroid is one of several glands in the endocrine system. It is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of the neck. These hormones are released into the bloodstream where they circulate and regulate the function of specific organs and organ systems. Thyroid disease is a very common endocrine disorder, especially in women. Hypothyroidism, or underactive thyroid, is a disease in which the thyroid produces less hormones than needed for normal body function.
Symptoms include thin, brittle nails and hair, weight gain, fatigue, decreased heart rate, constipation, and feeling cold. Hyperthyroidism, or thyrotoxicosis, is a disease in which the thyroid produces too many hormones.