News Emergency Services Nov. Opinion Three good news stories from the pandemic. Reckless target shooters ruin it for everyone. Letters, Nov. Tempo Live Rogue Valley music, crafts, outdoor markets and more: Nov. Live Rogue Valley theater, streaming plays: Nov. Rogue Valley livestreams, virtual events: Nov.
Like Fourth-of-July fireworks, cool swims on hot days, and lazy vacations, fireflies are a sign of summer. Many of us have cherished memories of spotting and catching them during warm summer evenings and running through fields that sparkled as if strewn with stars. But there are signs our kids may not grow up with the same firefly memories we had. And if it continues, fireflies may fade forever, leaving our summer nights a little darker and less magical.
Nobody knows for sure. But most researchers blame two main factors: development and light pollution. Most species of fireflies thrive as larvae in rotting wood and forest litter at the margins of ponds and streams.
Looking for Fireflies in Oregon. June 28, Type to search or hit ESC to close. See all results. Tobin said bugs that don't depend on flashing light could benefit them here in Seattle, which has a fair bit of light pollution. Produced for the web by Kara McDermott. He wanted to express his appreciation with a piece of Native art, and found one at a gallery Pioneer Square: an antique Chilkat robe.
There's nothing like the fair. Visitors can gorge on deep-fried Oreos, hot beef sundae s and heaps of cotton candy. There are rides, craft displays and, of course, barns full of animals that nonfarmers rarely get to see.