How does try catch work java

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Prints the stack trace Hierarchy of methods where the exception occurred. Causes the program to terminate. Packages in Java. Flow Control in Java. Loops in Java. Jump Statements in Java. Arrays in Java. Strings in Java. OOPS in Java. Constructors in Java. Interfaces in Java. Keywords in Java. Exception Handling in Java. Collection Framework. Multi-threading in Java.

Table of Contents. During the actual production run, the server is down. When your program tried to access it, an exception is raised. But blaming your code failure on environmental issues is not a solution. You need a Robust Programming, which takes care of exceptional situations. Such code is known as Exception Handler. In our example, good exception handling would be, when the server is down, connect to the backup server.

To implement this, enter your code to connect to the server Using traditional if and else conditions. In our example, TRY block will contain the code to connect to the server. CATCH block will contain the code to connect to the backup server. In case the server is down, an exception is raised, and the code in catch block will be executed. Run the program using command, java JavaException. Step 3 An Arithmetic Exception — divide by zero is shown as below for line 5 and line 6 is never executed.

We will put the exception causing the line of code into a try block, followed by a catch block. Copy the following code into the editor. As you observe, the exception is handled, and the last line of code is also executed.

Also, note that Line 7 will not be executed because as soon as an exception is raised the flow of control jumps to the catch block. The nested catch blocks follow Exception hierarchy.

Change the value of int d to 0.


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