Secular historians acknowledge Him as a fact regardless of what they believe about Him. And if you believe the Bible, the book that stands the test of time, you can believe in Him.
The central theme of the Bible is Jesus. If you look long enough, every page of Scripture tells His story. Even though historians and theologians alike validate the life of Jesus Christ, you may need help believing in Him. This is where the Holy Spirit comes into the equation.
You need the Holy Spirit of God to convict you and convince you. Just as the disciples gave their testimony of faith in Jesus in John 6, we can also testify to others when we come to know Him. Knowing your testimony is your greatest asset when you witness to other people. Share it with someone today. These resources are now available in multiple formats. You can print from either version. The Word version is editable. We're glad you're here! Find Answers Find Answers Questions are a part of all of our lives.
A "joyless Christian" is an oxymoron. Joy is proof that what we have is real, and that it satisfies. Jesus didn't come to make you a nicer person. He came to radically, dramatically, and eternally transform you! Jesus did not bathe this planet with His blood—only to have you serve the world, the flesh, and the devil.
He died to make you holy. Jesus being infinite, suffered in a finite period of time—what we being finite, would have suffered in an infinite period of time! As Christians, we are to be newsboys —and not editors of the gospel.
Temptation is trying to get us to fulfill a legitimate desire—in an illegitimate way. There has never been an argument, a war, a divorce, or a church split—which was not caused by pride! The heart of the human problem—is the problem of the human heart. Some people have enough dust on their bibles—to write damnation on it! People say that the church is full of hypocrites. I'd rather spend some of the time here on earth with some of the hypocrites—than eternity in Hell with all of them!
There are two classes of people in this world: those who take things for granted; those who take things with gratitude. It will do you little good to come to church and act pious around the Lord's Table—if you've been bickering around the breakfast table!
Jesus is all you need. You should seek nothing more—and settle for nothing less. Prophecy is not given primarily to tell you what the future holds. It is given to tell you Who holds the future—Jesus. Marriage is. Parents' responsibility: To create an atmosphere in my home where my children can with ease choose to follow God. Some parents say that their kids are angels. You'll find that as their legs grow longer, their wings get shorter.
To think that Washington is going to be the answer to the world's problems—is like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Watch your words. Make them warm and sweet—because you may have to eat them! The day of judgment will be a day when the skeletons come out of the closets! And each of us will be standing there to face the Judge. God knows it all, and is keeping a record even of those secrets which we have repressed or forgotten.
It is better to speak the truth that hurts, and then heals—than falsehood that comforts, and then damns. It is better to be hated for telling the truth—than to be loved for telling a lie. It is better to stand alone with the truth—than to be wrong with a multitude. Scriptural hope is not wishful thinking.
It is rock-solid assurance! You will see how rich you are, when you add up everything you have which money can't buy—and death can't take away! But if He came out of that grave—then nothing but that really matters. The sin of immorality is not one we are instructed to fight —it is one we have been told to flee. Run from that compromising situation. Saturate that place with your absence. To get to Hell—we must climb over.
Saving faith comes out of the heart —not the head. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.
The worst form of badness, is human goodness —when human goodness becomes a substitute for the new birth! Christianity is a love relationship between a child of God and his Maker, through the Son Jesus Christ, and in the power of the Holy Spirit. There are two books in the Bible that would be good for you to visit every morning. One is Proverbs—and one is Psalms. One teaches you how to live.
The other teaches you how to worship. Don't ask God to cram His sovereign plan into your puny little mind—because then God would be limited by your understanding. There is no promise God cannot keep, no prayer God will not answer, and no problem too hard for Him to solve.
Cut the Bible anywhere—and it will bleed. The blood of Jesus stains every page! If your religion has not changed your life—you had better change your religion! When He came the first time, they questioned whether He was King—the next time the world will know that He is King of kings and Lord of lords. The first time He wore a crown of thorns—the next time He will be wearing a crown of glory. The first time He had an escort of angels—the next time He will come with ten thousands of His saints.
Jesus came to reveal the character of God—not to display the grandeur of God. There's enough time in every day—to do gracefully everything God wants you to do. Faith believes in spite of the circumstances—and acts in spite of the consequences. Without the Word of God, we only have a holy hunch—and that simply will not do! False religion is characterized by force —true religion is characterized by faith. Most religion in America is man-centered religion rather than God-centered. People are looking for religion to serve them.
A church will either evangelize, or it will fossilize—but it will not stand still. Some people come to church with a sign around their neck that says, "Do not disturb. The Bible is God's love letter to His children. If you don't understand it—it's because you're reading someone else's mail. Everything that is not nailed down with a nail of grace and the hammer of God's Word— is going to be shaken out of place by His judgment.
These has God married and no man shall part: dust on the Bible—and drought in the heart! Faith believes in spite of the circumstances—and acts in spite of the consequences!
I want to remind you girls that what you are depending on to catch a man, is what you will have to do to keep him. If he loves you because of your beauty—then what are you going to do when your beauty is no longer there? The seven last words of churches: "We never did it that way before! The Church is the only organization that a person has to confess that he's been bad before he can join.
When you have His joy in your heart, it doesn't necessarily mean your pain or hurt will be taken away. It means you'll be able to bear it. Why should God give you more light—when you've not lived up to the light you have?
The best way to know God's will for the rest of your life—is to do His will right now. It's hard to steer a ship that's not moving. It is only the life that is lived with the approval of Jesus and in the authority of Jesus—which will bring acclaim to Jesus.
God doesn't want a place in your life. He demands and deserves preeminence. God's throne is not a duplex. It's the object of your faith which matters—not the strength of it. We need to stop treating the Bible like a math book—and start reading it as a love story. A scar is a wound that has healed. We need to bring our wounds to Jesus, let Him heal them—and then use our scars for Jesus.
Our scars may be our greatest ministry! You will never be a solid Christian—until you come to the unshakable conviction that the Bible is the Word of God.
Christianity is not a legal relationship—it is a love relationship. One of these days the dam of Gods mercy— will give way to His justice. Sometimes we don't feel like praying. But if there were ever a time that we need to pray—it's when we don't feel like it. We need to pray—until we do feel like it. We should pray as if it all depends on God—and then work as if it all depends on us. There are too many spiritual forgers signing Jesus' name to their prayer checks!
The greatest problem we face is not unanswered prayer—but unoffered prayer. Tragically, many of our prayers are so vague—that if God were to answer them, we wouldn't even know it. It's about time we stopped buying things we don't need, with money we don't have, to impress people we don't like! Satan can't keep God from answering our prayers—but he will keep us from asking.
The same Jesus Who turned water into wine—can transform your home, your life, your family, and your future. He is still in the miracle-working business—-and His business is the business of transformation. Pastors cannot lead, teach, or preach with anointing and supernatural power—without being fully broken and surrendered to the lordship of Christ, the authority of the Word, and the commands of the Spirit.
Christianity is not a cafeteria line where you say, "I'll have a little salvation —but no Lordship right now. Rivers and men both become crooked —by following the path of least resistance. Satan wants to turn the Ten Commandments into the Ten Suggestions— since a law without penalty is merely advice. Foolish people spend time and money poring over horoscopes and consulting so-called psychics trying to see the dark unknown.
How much better to walk through life holding the hand of One who knows the way and cares for us! You can sing all you want about how you love Jesus, you can have crocodile tears in your eyes—but the consecration that doesn't reach your purse, has not reached your heart!
Conceit is a disease that makes everyone sick—except the one who has it! Conscience is that thing that feels bad—when everything else feels good. Some people can't find Christ—for the same reason a thief can't find a policeman! The stone wasn't rolled away to let Jesus out. It was rolled away to let the disciples in. The Bible is a supernatural, spiritual, sovereign, sustaining book about my Savior.
When you know that your future is secure—you can concentrate on your present. Yesterday and tomorrow—both need to be taken out of my calendar of concern. When you look at the Bible and try to understand the Bible, you have to ask three questions:.
On why he preached the Word of God: I'm not smart enough to preach anything else—and I'm too smart to preach anything else. When you are in a storm, what seems to be a problem to you—is not a problem to God. You and I are just like a blade of grass—we are going to wither and die. No matter how wise or capable you are—before you leave the harbor, you had better make certain the Captain is on board. I'm not against education, but you don't come to God head first—you come heart first. Nobody is saved by keeping the Ten Commandments.
If he could be—then Jesus Christ need never have died. Nature forms us; sin deforms us; school informs us; and prison reforms us. But only Christ transforms us. Jesus doesn't show us the way to Heaven—He is the way to Heaven. On the uniqueness of men and women: A woman is infinitely superior to a man—at being a woman. A man is infinitely superior to a woman—at being a man.
Stress is the gap between the demands placed on us—and our ability to meet those demands. To dwell there above with those that we love, will be glory.
To dwell here below with those that we know—well, that's another story. Being baptized with the Holy Spirit—means He is now Resident in your heart. Being filled with the Holy Spirit—means He is now President there. God's will is not something you have to do—it is something you get to do. True Worship: All that I am, responding to all that He is—in gratitude and praise.
Exalt the Savior, edify the saint, and evangelize the sinner—that's what we're here for! We do not fight for victory—we fight from victory. The victory was won at Calvary! Be warned! From Satan's viewpoint—you are simply a pawn in his game of cosmic chess.
Surely the devil says to his demons, "Boys, keep them from prayer! If we can keep them from praying, we can beat them every time. But if they pray, they will beat us every time! Some people try to drown their problems—they don't know that problems can swim!
If the devil never bothers you—it's because you're both going in the same direction! If the greatest commandment is to love God with all of your heart—the greatest sin is not to do it.
Every now and then, science may disagree with the Bible. Just give the scientists time—and perhaps they will catch up. To look for scientific proof of God—would be like taking a piano apart to look for a song!
We live in a day where. When a man jumps out of a ten-story building, he doesn't break the law of gravity—he demonstrates it. The best argument for Christianity and the best argument against Christianity—is the life of a Christian.
The Bible is a window in this prison-world through which we may look into eternity. The freedom that Jesus gives is not freedom to do what we want —but the freedom to do as you ought. If there were ever a time you loved Jesus more than you do at this moment, you're backslidden. God's work, done in God's way—will never ever lack for God's provision or God's protection. If a person is concerned about committing the unpardonable sin—he hasn't committed it.
When you're saved, God doesn't fix you to where you can't sin anymore—but where you can't sin and enjoy it. When a person gets sick in the stomach from drinking —his stomach has more sense than his head.
The hypocrite will say behind your back—what he will not say to your face. The flatterer will say to your face—what he won't say behind your back. Don't put your faith in your faith. That would be like looking at the telescope—and not through it. Our Lord wants us to have three homes: a family home, a church home, and a heavenly home! Don't cling to things so tightly—that it will hurt when God has to pry open your fingers to take them. The Bible is not primarily a science book.
It is not written to tell us how the heavens go—it is written to tell us how to go to Heaven. But when it speaks on science, it is accurate. We spend the first half of our lives wasting our health, to get wealth—and the second half of our lives we spend our wealth, to get back our health.
If I can talk you into salvation—then someone else can talk you out of it. The devil gives the best first, and the worst last—but the Lord saves the best for last. Some people go to church three times in their lives: when they're born, when they're married, and when they die.
Hatched, matched, and dispatched! The first time they throw water, the second time they throw rice, and the third time they throw dirt! No, God wants us to continue to proclaim the message of salvation.
The messenger may be gone, but the message must continue. Millions still have not heard the precious name of Jesus or know His redeeming grace. So our race is not over. We must still run—until Jesus comes. Our prayer is that you will join with us in running the race and in broadcasting the Good News that Jesus Christ is truly the greatest Love worth finding. About Adrian Rogers Known for his evangelistic zeal and uncompromising commitment to the Word of God, Adrian Rogers was one of the greatest preachers, respected Bible teachers, and Christian leaders of our time.
For over fifty years, he consistently presented the Good News of Jesus Christ with strong conviction, compassion,and integrity. He was a devoted family man — husband to his childhood sweetheart Joyce, father to four children, grandfather to nine, and great-grandfather to six.
Of all his accomplishments, Dr. Rogers often said his greatest joy centered in his relationship to Jesus Christ, his wife and family, and the church he pastored. Under his pastoral leadership, Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee, grew from 9, members in to more than 29, at his retirement in And Adrian Rogers was a leader in his denomination, serving three terms as president of the Southern Baptist Convention.
Rogers was the founder and Bible teacher of Love Worth Finding, an internationally syndicated television and radio ministry. The sun never sets on this ministry which is broadcast on radio, television, and the Internet. You can find LWF declaring the Gospel and changing lives in more than countries around the world. In , Dr. Rogers was honored to be inducted into the prestigious Hall of Fame by the National Religious Broadcasters. Rogers was active in national leadership and personally consulted and prayed with five presidents of the United States.
He visited and had the privilege of sharing the platform with President George W. Even though the Lord called him home in , his messages of "Come To Jesus" are still reaching around the world. In fact, every country in the world except for one has visited LWF. Please join us in praying that God's messages will continue to penetrate the hearts of young and old