No, he plays against equally skilled players and has to play catch-up to return to form on his new role. I got mad when I was paired against other smurfs because I was toxic. The majority of players told me they simply use their alternate smurf accounts to play with friends who are lower-level than them.
I initially bought a smurf account to see if I could place higher in Overwatch than my main account—to test if ELO hell is real. Nearly everyone—developers and players, professional and casual—has a different definition for what it is to smurf. And smurfing affects different games differently, making it hard to nail down when it's bad and when it's not. Still, I talked to people who make and play some of today's most popular online games, including League of Legends, Overwatch and Rainbow Six Siege, to give it a try.
It was important to many of the or so players who contacted me that their friends be able to play against others just learning the game too. A major grey area for smurfing is the practice of a higher-skilled player using a lower-level account so they can play with friends.
Tom Gerbicz, a year-old League of Legends player, said he created his first smurf a few years back so he could play with friends new to the game. He added that he never used the account in ranked play, playing as he normally would, but typically in a more supportive role to let his friends learn the game better.
Some people reached out to me and felt like smurfs were a waste of time. Why pay extra money just to preserve your ranking? But for a lot of players, those numbers matter. Allison Rossi, a year-old diamond-level Overwatch player, has multiple accounts. Her two main accounts are ranked similarly, but reception from other players makes having separate accounts useful.
Like stupidty, we can't stop smurfs. Thanks for the answers btw people. BossGalaga Zobacz profil Zobacz posty. Its fun to make people suffer. And u can sell ur smurf if calibrate to 4.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: kunuk ; 7 kwietnia o Khamul, The Easterling Zobacz profil Zobacz posty. I have multiple accounts to dodge that penalty if I'm stuck on loading screen I heard it's capped at a month or 3 being unable to play. Data napisania: 7 kwietnia o Posty: This almost always results in the Smurf steamrolling their lower-level adversaries, which might be hilarious for the better player but usually leaves their victims bitter. It feels like you got hustled or cheated.
Smurfing also runs counter to the basic function of most online games, where players rank up and compete against opponents at a similar skill level, making it harder for those less-skilled players to progress. To this day, smurfing falls in a grey area for many online games. Fornite bans players who are caught smurfing, but League of Legends famously defended smurfing as a way for players to test unconventional strategies.
The internet has begun using the term as a catch-all phrase for when a pro pretends to be an amateur for a gag video. Nearly 96, Redditors have joined the IRL Smurfing subreddit where they share videos of musicians pretending to be bad at the guitar in a video chat room or veteran soccer players styling on some newbies. This running joke is all thanks to two gamers who decided to play a prank on their online opponents back in before online matchmaking for competitive games even existed.
Instead of waiting for Warcraft 2 to match them with opponents, players had to find lobbies with other gamers waiting to play so they could start a game.