Where to get elite knight armor

As this set can be acquired relatively early in the game, it stands as a viable choice for low-level characters to rely on, and potentially throughout the entirety of the game with frequent upgrading. Due to its low weight compared to much heavier sets with similar defenses that are much more costly to upgrade, a high level player could be able to obtain full mobility despite the weight, resulting in much more effective combat with both defense and agility.

The Elite Knight Set's poise was nerfed in 1. Dark Souls Wiki Explore. Dark Souls. Weapons Weapon Types. Small Shields Medium Shields Greatshields. Sign In Help Sign Out. Toggle navigation. Search Results. Elite Knight Set 46 Join the page discussion Tired of anon posting? Submit Submit Close. Load more. Note that equipping over certain amounts of equip burden may alter movement and roll speed, as well as other factors when playing the game. FramptSouls: This is the amount of souls players will receive if they feed the item to Kingseeker Frampt.

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On the other hand, the Elite Knight set features generally unremarkable Poise. As this set can be acquired relatively early in the game, it stands as a viable choice for low-level characters to rely on, and potentially throughout the entirety of the game with frequent upgrading.

Tabletop role-playing games. Where is the elite Knight set? How do you get the elite Knight set in DS? What is the best armor in Dark Souls?


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